Deco Crete’s concrete floor repair products come in three different formulas to suit different levels of damaged concrete floors, from large holes and wide cracks to pinholes and hairline cracks. Designed for use before and between polishing sessions, before applying a liquid hardener or guard, they come in five shades to compliment the concrete surface you’re working with.
joshua kersh2023-08-30T13:46:33+07:00
decoGROUT is a two component polymer modified cementitious repair material to repair small holes and cracks in the concrete surface
joshua kersh2023-08-30T13:47:14+07:00
A state of the art product designed to fill pinholes and hairline cracks.
DECO CRETE2024-06-11T09:54:44+07:00
is a two component polymer modified cementitious repair material to fix large holes and wide cracks in the concrete surface.